Sunday 31 August 2014

Which Harry Potter Character Do You Have The Same Personality Type As?

Which Harry Potter character matches your personality type? Find out below!
Turns out I am like Luna Lovegood. Does make some sense I guess. What I would
say though is that she is a slightly exaggerated version of myself. Happy I got Luna though!

[Image is quite big... Oh well]

[From ]

Welcome to Personality Central!

Identifying with your personality is one of the most valuable tools you could have in the quest for self-actualization. As someone who for a long time experienced that feeling of unfulfillment or uncertainty, delving into my personality was the opportunity I needed to reflect upon myself and realise what I truly valued and what I wanted out of this life. Studying the theory of personality has truly helped me in understanding people: how they think, why their opinions contrast mine, the differences in their behaviour to my own, and so many other reasons. Where in the past I marginalized the opinions and views of others that didn’t correlate with mine, I can now see their benefit when I converse with people.

This is my first post and some probably won’t be aware of Myers-Briggs personality types, but follow the link shown if you want to learn more about it. There are numerous other places that will probably explain it far better than I can to be honest. This blog will mostly cover everyday issues that we all experience such as education (university, college etc), friendships, relationships, careers, any relevant and current news, and just life in general. And if there are any requests, I will be happy to explore them too.

Now, a little info about yours truly. My name is Mona Mohamed and I am a 21 year old chemistry graduate. I just graduated this summer, and am currently starting a gap year. Would love to be able to travel a bit, but I guess we shall see what the following year has in store for me. I am looking forward to spending this year focusing on my blog and getting it up and running, as it has been a while since I have written anything. I miss this.

My main motivation for starting this blog was discovering the world of MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator). It was over a year ago when I came across the online test (link below), which revealed to me that I was an INFP. These four letters didn’t mean much to me, until I googled it (as you do with everything) and read the profile of my personality type. It described me as an introvert, an idealist and immensely unorganised yet highly intuitive. Reading further I realised there were more correlations with The INFP and myself, and I slowly but surely began to gain this greater perspective of myself, answering one of Life’s greatest questions: Why Am I The Way I Am?

 Explanation for each letter of your personality type [From]

It all started to make sense. Why I always had a different (and slightly more random) thought process to others, why I am so non-confrontational, why I can be extremely reclusive and so many other things. I haven’t finished putting the pieces together, as every day I notice something else about myself, as well as people of other types. Actually, I don’t think we will ever finish putting the pieces of the Puzzle of Life together since it constantly varies and fluctuates. But that is the beauty of personality typing: it isn’t the be-all-and-end-all. It is essentially that tool we all need to unlock that unique enigma that is our persona, and build upon it to attain our potential.

Just as a little disclaimer: I am by no means a psychologist or an expert in this field. Just someone who is eager to probe into our inner state and psyche. The information I have learned through my search over the past year has luckily been valuable research and inspired me to write this blog. I want to share what I have learned with you and hopefully use this to tackle the other big issues of life that have not yet been explained.

I welcome you into my little world and hope to share with you my many thoughts, beliefs, opinions, values and ideas, and with any luck, I could gain a little insight into your own world too. Welcome to Personality Central!

Links to Personality Tests and Profile:

What is Myers-Briggs?

16 Personalities

Personality Page